Target Market

We have chosen Nigeria as our initial target market at this stage with the African continent being our medium to long term goal. We believe Nigeria and Africa are home to a rich untapped potential, leveraged by the current state of its technological and telecom sectors in relation to its demographics and resources.

Africa general figures

Internet Penetration in Africa Africa 2020 Q1 March

Africa 39.3%
World Avg. 58.8%
Rest of the world 62.9%

Penetration Rate (% Population)

Source: Internet World Stats

Nigeria - General Figures

The following key figures are essential to really appreciate the potential that Nigeria has to offer for the industry we operate in.

Nigeria - Telecom Industry Contribution (2015-2020)

The telecommunications industry continues to contribute a greater share of the national GDP in Nigeria, reaching 12.45 percent in the fourth quarter of 2020. In 2015, this figure sat at 8.5 percent.


Our target market will include:

Market Strategy

We are aware of the nature of Nigerian business, cultural, and family-based ecosystems, where satisfied customers are very likely to generate business referrals. Ultimate Zone LTD set customer satisfaction as its highest priority especially in light of its propensity in driving our business growth.

Our Marketing Strategy will adopt the following tactics:

Introduce our products and services using traditional media

Introduce our services using field officers

Conduct seminar presentation traditional and new services on regular basis

Print out fliers and business cards and strategically drop them in offices, libraries, public facilities etc

Use of the company’s social media platforms
Use of the company’ online business platforms

Post information about our company and the services we offer on bulletin boards in places like shops, offices of SMEs etc

Placing advert on newspapers, local publication in Nigeria regarding the company and the services it provides

Leverage on referral networks such as agencies that will attract clients who would need our customized services

Leverage on our loyal customers to attract other clients

Engage in direct marketing approach

Encourage the use of word of mouth marketing from satisfied customers/clients

Leverage on referral networks such as agencies that will attract clients who would need our customized services

View some of our Projects

View some of our projects to gain insight about our expertise, creativity, and the quality of output

Email us

Be informed that our esteemed team remains at your disposal for any inquiries or concerns you may have regarding Ultimate Zone services. Rest assured that our team is steadfast in providing top-tier support, and we pledge to extend our fullest cooperation to cater to your needs.

Call us

Feel free to call us in working hours Mon – Frid (8:00 – 16:00 GMT). Our team will be happy to help answer your questions